Global Investigazioni s.r.l. | Eredità


Global Investigazioni s.r.l. | Eredità-2



Global Investigazioni s.r.l.|Eredità-5

Our investigative agency specializes in providing assistance with inheritance matters, including thorough investigations to ascertain possible irregularities such as fraudulent transactions, asset diversion, documentation regarding the tacit acceptance of inheritance, and various types of asset searches. We understand the importance of handling inheritance issues carefully and accurately, and we are committed to providing comprehensive and professional support to protect the interests of our clients.

Investigating fraudulent transactions is a crucial aspect of our inheritance investigations. We conduct in-depth analyses to identify fraudulent transactions or asset manipulations that could affect the proper distribution of the inheritance. This includes verifying legal documents, sales contracts, and other transactions that may compromise the rights of our clients as rightful heirs.

Asset diversion is another area where our agency excels. Through targeted investigations, we analyze the movement of inherited assets to determine if they have been transferred or concealed fraudulently to evade legitimate heirs. This process requires careful analysis of financial and legal documentation to identify any irregularities.

Documentation regarding the tacit acceptance of inheritance is another critical element of our investigations. We carefully examine the documents and actions taken by potential heirs to ensure they have knowingly and willingly accepted their inheritance rights and obligations. This step is essential to avoid future disputes and ensure the proper distribution of assets.

Asset searches are integral to our services, allowing us to identify financial activities, properties, and other assets relevant to the inheritance. We use advanced resources and collaborate with industry experts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information gathered.


The ultimate goal of our inheritance investigations is to ensure that our clients receive a fair and proper distribution of inherited assets. We work closely with lawyers specializing in inheritance law to present legally valid evidence and ensure that every step of the investigation complies with current regulations.

In conclusion, our investigative agency is committed to providing specialized services in the field of inheritance, conducting thorough investigations to ascertain any irregularities and safeguard the interests of our clients in complex matters such as fraudulent transactions, asset diversion, and inheritance documentation.

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